May 10, 2007 14:42
so there was a fire in my apt. building today. I woke up to firemen yelling about a fire on the roof, so I got up, grabbed the laptop and passport, put them in my bag and booked it down the stairs. on the way down I nearly was trampled by firemen with axes and the entire building was blanketed in smoke. crazy wild stuff.
so then after everything was under control I got to back to my apt. the room looks like an atom bomb went off. the walls are on the floor, the ceiling is on the floor, door casing and the closet door were on the floor. my bed was in the kitchen. but amazingly, all of my books, dvds, clothes, electronics, all came out unscathed. hell, I even pulled out the laptop charger from under 3 inches deep of drywall and it's working so I'm very lucky. lucky to be alive, lucky to have my stuff still be in tact. just an incredible day.
and the sun is still shining, the breeze is blowing and it's a great day to be in new york.
oh life.