Sometimes having more available free time just seems to make all the annoying chores and errands that can't be done any other time balloon to fill it up. Today I crossed off the list:
* Aromatic Infusions - The half off essential oil this week is clary sage, which is one I didn't even have, and I also got some spearmint because I used it last night and realized I'm almost out. That oil belonged to a free set I got with the diffuser I bought before the one I have now, so it's pretty old.
* CVS - I had to go to three of them before I found the brow pencil I use in the right shade. The first 2 had light blonde, blonde, dark brunette, and black. No brunette.
* Rouse's - I forgot to buy more wet dog food on Saturday, and we're going though it faster than usual. Normally Penny only gets it on Saturday, but with me being home in the mornings she keeps thinking it's Saturday and whining for it. And I give it to her because she's a spoiled brat (David sometimes calls her "the Mayor of Johnsonville").
* Carwash - Inside only, because it looks like rain.
After I got that stuff done I grabbed my Polaroid and drove out to Bancker, where my grandparents are buried. I'm not big on cemetery visits, maybe just because it was never something I did growing up in California; neither of my biological parents (or Phil, for that matter) were from there, so I never had any family buried there. (Still don't, as far as I know, my father was cremated.) I guess planning to scatter Larry's ashes made me think of them. Plus it's just a pretty drive, I used to go out there a lot when I first moved here. I used to take long drives all over the southern half of Louisiana, just looking for stuff to photograph. I feel like more and more of my free time now gets taken up by doing stuff around the house and for the 'rents. Maybe "more time for me" should be a mid-year goal.
There's another, smaller cemetery on the way to the larger one that I love for how picturesque it looks. I've taken hundreds of photographs of it over the years.
I had a talk with Mom yesterday while I was making Penny's treats about whether or not Phil is really going to be able to come to Texas with us. It's going to be an extremely long car ride, a strange house to navigate (with stairs), and he won't have the dog to distract him. I told her, I know you're like, allergic to honest introspection, but you need to really confront it. I mean, while I was out yesterday, he took Penny's metal food bowl out of the plastic frame it sits in, poured the food into the plastic part, then put the empty bowl in her water bowl so it was just floating atop it. When I picked it up, there was a bunch of soggy dry food floating in the water. He'd also put more dry food on the plate we only use for wet food.
Mom is like "He has good moments!" when David or I point out stuff like this, And he does, sure, he's not a shambling wreck 24/7. But you can't predict them, or count on them to last longer than a few hours.
The question isn't do you want to go to Texas, but is he able to. And if he can't, she needs to stay here and let me represent her in spirit or whatever. But there are limits to what David and I are willing to do for Phil. And we're only taking this trip because I pushed for it, I'm not staying home.