Self-care Saturday

May 04, 2024 15:01

After telling Mom I wasn't going to make what happens to Penny while we're in Texas my problem, I spent an hour yesterday reading reviews for pet sitters on and contacting some of them for rates and availability. *sigh* Look, I'm not a monster. I didn't want the 'rents to get another dog, mostly because I knew I'd wind up taking care of it. (It's surreal how neatly parent/child positions get switched, if the former lives long enough and the latter hasn't cut ties out of sheer frustration.) But she's here now, and obviously I care about what happens to her.

Anyway, when I brought it up to Mom at dinner last night, she said David had agreed to take care of her. Which basically involves taking her out on the lawn a few times a day and making sure her bowls don't run empty, so I don't see why he has to make such a big deal out of it. Aside from pooping on the floor every now and then--which is entirely Phil's fault, when he ignores her "I need to poop" signals--she doesn't really have any problematic behaviors. I don't know if she offered him something or if his conscience just got the better of him, and I don't care. It's one thing less to worry about.

I went back to Michael's to get some aida and floss for a couple of needlework patterns I bought on Etsy yesterday. They're both blackwork patterns, which is something I like to do on vacation because it's easy to take somewhere since you only use one color of floss for it. (I mean you don't have to, but it's how it was classically done and I usually do). And the paint-by-number kits were on sale, so I got another one.

There's other stuff that needs doing, like washing my car and picking up prescriptions and making Penny another batch of treats. But having Monday-Thursday free next week means I didn't have to get everything done today.

blackwork, parenting your parents

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