Saturday I made breakfast, then went to Tractor Supply for dog food, the carwash, and the grocery store. I made lunch for the 'rents after I put away the groceries, then ate leftover pizza and had some beers and read. I did light room-cleaning and watched the new episode of Loki. David didn't feel well enough to make supper, but no one let me know in enough time to actually cook anything, so I made us scrambled egg sandwiches.
Sunday I made waffles and bacon for breakfast, watched Dateline, changed/washed the bed sheets, did a load of towels and one of laundry, baked a cake, and made some dog treats. I didn't want to take the time to make the whole batch, which is usually 3 pans. So I made one pan, then divided the remaining dough into 2 batches and put them in the freezer. The dough is just pumpkin puree, peanut butter, and flour, so I assume that will freeze/defrost okay. The treats themselves do.
Mom's appetite has been really unpredictable since the surgery, probably based on how much pain medication she's taken. Some days she's hungry and actually asks for food, and some days she just picks at whatever you give her. So for her birthday I decided on two things that I know she likes but that are pretty simple.
Chicken and dumplings, which is also a good fall dish and we had our first actual cold front this weekend.
Made with 2 quarts of homemade chicken stock, which always improves soup.
And cherry chocolate dump cake.
The irony is not lost on me that of all the fancy desserts in my repertoire, my family is just as happy with combinations of ready-made cake mix and pie filling.