Saturday I made breakfast for the 'rents and myself, then went to CVS, Aromatic Infusions, and Rouse's. I skipped the carwash, it was rainy. Just enough to make my car even dirtier with muddy/oily road spray, but not enough to wash off some of the dust. Sigh.
David texted me had made lunch for the "old bastards" (his words), so once I put the groceries away I had a leisurely afternoon. I made myself a pitcher of Arnold Palmers with some vodka and started reading Alison Rumfitt's Tell Me I'm Worthless. When the mail was delivered I put David Fincher's Zodiac on my tablet--I've been wanting to watch it again since starting Motor Spirit--and started going through my record collection and replacing the inner paper sleeves of any album that needed it. I got about 2/3 done, had to stop for supper, and finished it afterwards.
Sunday I decided I hadn't made doughnuts in a while, so I made them for breakfast with a peanut butter glaze and some bacon.
It occurred to me as I was serving them that I should have swapped the half teaspoon of vanilla extract for banana extract/flavoring, then I could call them "Elvis doughnuts".
After breakfast I got a chuck roast in the slow cooker, then watched a Dateline episode that was about Scott Peterson and that felt like kind of a waste of time. I know some people really think he got railroaded, and they do often bring up some good points. But at the end of the day, I always run up against where Laci and Connor's bodies were found. Either someone else killed Laci, and by the wildest of coincidences dumped her body in the same spot where Scott went fishing that day; or they successfully hid her body, then later on decided to dig it up and dump it 90 miles away, on the chance it would be found where they knew Scott had been and further incriminate him. That is an insane risk, and just not one I can see someone who's gotten away with murder so far being willing to take.
I changed/washed the bed sheets, did a load of clothes, and baked a cake.
Supper was a Mississippi pot roast (ranch and pepperoncini), smashed potatoes, and peas.
I've been craving a simple yellow cake with chocolate frosting all week, and I realized I've never made one from scratch. I used a recipe from the King Arthur Flour website.
I like my chocolate to be a little bitter, so the frosting is more bittersweet than you'd get from a can. I'm very pleased with how this came out, my layer cakes tend to be a bit off-kilter and have crumbs in the frosting. This one looks almost professional, although as usual I neglected to wipe the knife between slices.