Off the Edge: Flat Earthers, Conspiracy Culture, and Why People Will Believe Anything

Jun 22, 2022 10:14

Kelly Weill from The Daily Beast started following Flat Earth around the start of the Trump administration, mostly as a joke. Flat Earth was (and pretty much still is) the fringiest of fringe conspiracy theories. But as belief that Democrats are smuggling children through tunnels under Washington DC for the express purpose of drinking their blood as some kind of immortality elixir while wearing their faces as masks started to go more mainstream, I guess it got less funny.

But I mean, it's still pretty funny. These ding-dongs don't believe the Earth is a sphere! The ancient Greeks knew that!!

The Venn diagram between Flat Earth and QAnon isn't exactly a circle, but it's not a perfect figure 8, either. There are also a lot of Nazis in Flat Earth, naturally. And more than a few of them rap:

"Excuse me, have you researched Flat Earth? We really ought to figure out the universe. Your sense of reality will get hurt. Can't find a picture of the earth's curve", Hildebran mumbled on one of his rap songs, over a beat sampled from what sounded like ice-cream truck music.

If the Earth was actually flat, cats would have pushed everything off it by now.

qanon, bookaholic, the daily beast, flat earthers, kelly weil, off the edge

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