Jan 10, 2008 10:00
I don't usually do these but I figured it was quick and fun and I got it from my friend Michael's blog.
This is called "FIRST REACTIONS QUIZ". You have to type the 1st thing that comes to mind whenever you hear these 36 things. You can't think and go back and change your answers. TIP: erase all of the other persons anwers first..that way u can think in blank
1. Beer: Delicious
2. McDonalds: clown
3. Relationships: hard
4.Color: red
5. Power Rangers: Derek
6. Weed: Yes please
7. Steroids: sure
8. Cartoons: kiddy
9. The President : sucks
10. Tupperware: everywhere
11. Florida: oranges
12. Santa: old fat man
13. Halloween: San Diego
14. Alice: Barbie
15. Grammar: Kelsey
16: Myspace: overplayed
17. Clowns: It
18. Marriage: equality
19. Paris: Eifel tower
20. Patricia: Heaton
21. Redheads: Carrot-top
22. Blondes: Reese Witherspoon
23. Pass the: car
24. One night stands: Why not?
25. Donald Trump: Bad hair
26. Neverland: Johnny Depp
27. Pixie sticks: Rainbow Bright
28. Vanilla ice cream: plain
30. High school musical: too much!
31. Pajamas: teddy bear
32. Woody: Woodpecker
33. Wet Socks: smelly
35. Love: too much work
36.River: Phoenix