
Oct 21, 2007 15:17

I've been drinking alcohol ever since I was... well I've been drinking for awhile now. And there's something that I never understood when it comes to getting drunk.

It's the whole "not being able to control yourself from throwing up" thing.

We've all had the experience of vomiting I'm pretty sure. We come pretty close, but there's always that warning shot that gives you a few seconds to say to yourself "oh, hey, check it out, that didn't sit well with me, I think I'm gonna throw up" so your body actually has time to move to a different spot or if no time to move then you make a decision of throwing up on say, a tile floor that can be cleaned easier than someone's carpet or couch. Which if anyone's ever cleaned a carpet or couch from anything that's just a bitch to get rid of.

Alcohol is no excuse. I don't care if you get drunk of whatnot. And you weren't always drunk. There must be a point in time before you got drunk and were sober, and actually thought to yourself, "I'm not gonna drink till I puke" or even if you do decide "I will drink till I puke. But I have a plan for when I do". So chug chug away.

I always have a plan when I drink. It usually goes like this "Ooh. Alcohol. I'm gonna drink till the bar is empty" Which for me is a good plan but 9 times out of 10 at best, nowadays (no matter how hard I try) I only get "buzzed". But I do know that the possibility of that one time where I might actually need to vomit, I make sure that when I do get to that point I know where I am and how far I need to get to the bathroom.

So that's what's going through my sober head when I have my first drink.

And it's never happened. I've never thrown up anywhere where I know it's gonna be a bitch to clean up. Mostly I wait to there's a free toilet.

There's only 3 instances in my drinking career where I didn't throw up in the toilet. Once was when I first started drinking heavily it was at the side of my friend's minivan. But mind you, it was outside and not inside.
The Next 2 times happened in succession. I had just gotten out of Boot Camp and hadn't had a long island in about 2 months. So I had 7. So I threw up on the lawn after getting out of the cab at the front gate of the base. Then I got to my barracks room and threw up in the trashcan. But it had a liner. So right after that I took the trashcan and disposed of the contents and cleaned it before going to bed.

So even though I wasn't in total control of myself I still didn't throw up anywhere it was difficult to clean, and I cleaned my own mess.

Where am I going with this? Well thrice now I've had the misfortune of experiencing those individuals who feel that "vomiting anywhere is cool as long as I'm drunk".

Not cool.

1. I had to clean up my carpets in the upstairs bedroom coz a so-called "friend" whom I don't speak with anymore took it upon himself to vomit in three separate places in the room.
2. Someone else throwing up in my kitchen sink. Which Alan had to clean up.
3. Someone throwing up in the backseat of my car. On the floor. On the seat. On my shoes. And on me. Last night.


Not really happy right now.

They don't say "drink responsibily" to make the ads sound prettier.

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