Oct 20, 2003 09:19
I’m tired, I feel like shit, and oh yea I’m at school. Why do I feel like these? Because
James Ross the 3rd came back me and the boys showed him out to the city of sin it self. Shit it was so spontaneous we were just doing our thing then at the James crib, and we were bored so Mr. Langas suggested a little road trip to the city of sin. Damn were G’s who in the hell in their right minds go to Vegas on a Sunday evening 12:00 am chill till 4 then come home and go to work and school. Well crazy cats are us. Just to drop everything and do something crazy. Lots of stories to tell but not enough time to type it all, so I’m just going to continue this entry when I get out from my classes and get some rest. All I got to say “Is that it!” “It so small” and a “water breakfast”.
On another note guys I finally did it. I’m a free man no more probation. As of October 20, 2003 I serve my time and now I’m free shit. No more worrying about pigs or my rents being worried and all that shit. So much stress has been lifted and I just thank God for giving me strength to endure this endeavor. For those 2 years I had been through hell and back. I been to jail twice, done things I’m ashamed of but will not trade in for anything. Friends growing up having kids and a good friend passing away, I’ve seen the youth falter and come back, and falter more. My faith tested. My soul weary//my families hating me then leaving, and then coming back. From all the P~X events to the SNC// from ICC to GAP// to faith to religion to God//to myself to my dad// to fucking infinite switching of cars// to the bullshit friends doing jack up shit// to drama//from both kings and queens// to drinking// to the smoking// to the constant self inflicting and mental frustration//to all the people who knew and those who don’t give a fuck// to those who didn’t believe and those who do// to those who hate me and those who love me// to my enemies // Val the 1st lady// neil the lead-in-role// word constant reminder of things we were in the past// to earv-godie// to P.eddy// to lee and P// even to Mandingo J3//even to motus D and even you KRS// to the double threat drama queens excluding faith the cool queen//to tizzle the cool po// to Kos my bro// to steaso my rival in street but rivaling me to do well in life// to the hate to love// to anger to the to all the shit I been through// to the people I seen the courts pissing on me// to people bullshitin me// saying I’m over reacting when you never seen a jail only on T.V// Your prayer not answered// financial ups and downs// to school// to work.// to my eX’s // and hO’s// fake tears to me// to the crying and sobbing//using me to take fuck up my family// to that goes to my aunty hill// you are a bitch I cant stand your shit you cause a fucking rift in my life in which I will always have wit my family in san D and I cant fix// But for them my family in san d// to ian jay crystal//to my beautiful sisters who I love ginny and fran/// to them I will forgive and tia hill your still a bitch but I will forgive// to those I hate// to those I love// To my stress// to my crimes// to myself wit or wit out them I’m still here// to ARA// to wally D// to whomever refers to me// to the guilt// to the pain// to the attempt or thoughts of suicides//to even more// to malice in my heart// to all of them I m still here!!!//
to myself again I made wit or wit out them even you god at times. But the strength was there// so to think I take a step back you were there in every step// to you lord oh god thank you// even if I didn’t see// even though I haven’t gone to a church or any bible study// I’ve done my time for my crime// to 2 misdemeanors//and to 1 felony// but to you lord I grown up h0opefully enough// to stop this pain// and live life// for once wit out any more hurdles// to that I hope you will set this time let it be a smooth ride// or at least// to today and the future ill enjoy being free///