Jul 18, 2003 02:49

Well i got some new gear again i will unvail on whenever need a crowd so i can show off. You know- no one likes a show off think me, steaso,and marcos hang out to much.. Cause really think everyone want to be one.. RIGHT??!! seriously..?? If you could you would... Or subconsciously have done???..
Ohh hey neil can u look that up since u are the big PT major, and Psy minor.. WOrk that minor nigga!!!

Jumping topics i regret to inform a good old friend died a couple of weeks ago.. He was the next door neighbor of my EX aunt.. And my uncle Junior.. He was a good man.. He died of Lung Cancer.. My parents tell me he use to smoke about my age for 10 years.. THen decided to quite. The fact is he only lived for another 15 years.. The cigs caught up to him.. Kevlar from the infamous SNC party// told me his dad only lived for 5 years after he quite after 7 years of somking he said his dad use to be a strong man but because of the sickness cigs left he saw his dad go into a wheelchair. then die..the cigs caught him too. He left a lot 2 kids and a wife.. Mario the next door neighbor is Leaving behind 3 kids .. And a loving wife as well..

to think at my age.. I realize life is to short to smoke ur life away... for what a cig.. a death stick.. Why.. because our friends do it so we follow.. Everyone claims to not be a follower but we all are.. Ive been a smoker going on my 1st year.. i know friends for 2 years +, others for 5+ years.. and some old fokes going on 20+.. U wonder why Smokers can smoke so much in one sitting or a life time..its because our group smokes.. Think about it.. Your not alone when u smoke.. we call that a social smoker.. If your are alone then thats not good.. And you should know that.. I call that an everyday smoker or classic chain smoker. THey are people who kill a packs (a pac 20 cugs) within a day or 2.. Thats how it starts.. people claim they can quite.. Or contain the amount they take.. But reality.. Can any of us atucally stop.. tHere is always something that pops up that stress u out.. and u need a quick puff.. i think the only way I can stop is for something bad to happen to me or someone i know and care for.. I dont want that too happen for me personally and love ones.. I realize marios death was an olman for me.. I dont want to be a follower.. I must not be a follower.. If i have been a follower well it stops.. In every way.. Both consciously and sub-consciously.. I need to catch myself though at times and i know i will stumble.. So basically i do not need any one question me or make fun or blah blah talk shit..If yall do make sure i dont know anytihng, back talk i dont know wont hurt right! Or give praise for actions you may like.. Because its for me personally.. Yall decide on your own what u want im trying.. to figure out what i want.. I know i dont want the cigs catching me.. like it did for those two MEN. Kevlars dad, and Mario.. dead before the age of 50...
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