Магия реализма

Apr 14, 2009 22:40

Салмана Рушди можно было бы приговорить к смертной казни уже только за уродскую внешность. Но любопытство сильнее отвращения и я решила ознакомиться с "Сатанинскими стихами". Их в местной библиотеке не оказалось, поэтому взяла почитать меньшее из зол - "Флорентийскую колдунью" ("The Enchantress of Florence").

Ну, я вам доложу, этот паук умеет плести серебряную паутину истории, вырваться из которой почти невозможно - надо только распутать ее и дочитать до конца. Где-то в середине прочтения поняла, что это не просто вымысел, увидев в конце длинную библиографию исторических книг, которые использовал автор для написания романа.
Магический реализм - да, такого я еще не встречала и была приятно удивлена.
Будем читать Рушди дальше. Как-то незаметно он даже внешне похорошел.
По традиции, выписки понравившихся оборотов и мыслей.

"...too much travel, as Lord Hauksbank well knew, too much strangeness and novelty, could loosen the moorings of the soul".

"The Almighty is not a tyrant. In the House of God all voices are free to speak as they choose, and that is the form of their devotion".

"The songs of Tansen could break open the seals of the universe and let divinity through into the everyday world".

"And no living woman was as skilled as she at the Peacock's Foot, that delicate manoeuvre: she placed her thumb on his left nipple and with her four other fingers she "walked" around his breast, digging in her long nails, her curved, claw-like nails which she had guarded and sharpened in anticipation of this very moment..."

"The world is a bridge. Pass over it but build no house upon it".

"When the sword of the tongue is drawn, it inflicts deeper cuts than the sharpest blade".

"One must stand outside a circle to see that it is round".

"When he fucked her he felt faintly wrong. He felt incestuous, as if he were fucking his sister. As a matter of fact that notion was the only thing that could arouse him when he lay with her. I am fucking my sister, he told himself, and came."

"They were sycophantic letters, unworthy of his dark sceptical genius, soul-lessening words".

"then he felt the curtains of his mind part, and the world became clearer".

" Italy had become a carousel of war, war played as a dance of changing partners, or as a game of "Going to Jerusalem", which was to say musical chairs".

"For when the Arno floods all those without boats are drowned".

"This was his objection to God, that his existance deprived human beings of the right to form ethical structures by themselves".


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