
Jan 25, 2009 11:17

Неожиданный антоним к понятию "любовь" предложила Марианн Уильямсон в своей книге " A Return to Love".

Это страх. В ее мировоззрении деление черное-белое, хорошое- плохое означает любовь - страх.
Все беды происходят от страха. А на самом деле они вообще не происходят, ибо все, что не от любви - не существует. Делайте все с любовью и будет вам счастие.

Наконец поняла принцип свободной воли, объясняющий невторжение божества в происходящие безобразия.
Довольно внятно изложена идея того, что мы все энергетически взаимосвязаны и являемся одним целым. Такое понимание помогает действовать по принципу "не навреди ближнему своему".

Вообще получила удовольствие от чтения - положительные мысли с яркими примерами в доступном изложении.

Захотелось записать несколько положений:

"Holy Spirit steps aside in the predence of fear".

"Concentration on the body as an end rather than a means in our perception, breeds fear. ...
There is no way to escape this painful maelstrom without replacing body ientidication with the memory that we aren't bodies at all, that who we are is the love inside us, and it is that love alone that determines our value".

"Love isn't love until it's unconditional"

"The internal equivalent to oxygen, what we need in order to survive, is love".

"If I choose to bless another person, I will always end up feeling more blessed. If I project guilt onto another person, I will always end up feeling more guilty".

"By bringing the past into the present we create a future just like the past"

"Relationships are eternal. They are of the mind, not the body, since people are energy, not physical substance".

"Not every relationship is meant to be the ultimate romance: if the train doesn't stop at your station, it's not your train".

"Most of us feel on some level like race horses champing at the bit, pressing at the gate, hoping and praying for someone to open the dorr and let us run out. We feel so much pent up energy, so much locked up talent...But the only person who can free us is ourselves. We realise that the locked door is our own fear."

"...we achieve so little because we have undisciplined minds: we instinctively go into paranoid or judgmental, fearful reactions instead of loving ones. We are far too indulgent of mind-wandering. Meditation disciplines the mind".

"Whenever love is added to any part of the system, tehre is an increase to every part. Love only gives rise to more love. If my husband or boyfriend heals with his past relationships, it only increases his capacity to love me from a healed and whole place."

"What we mentally refuse to permit others, we refuse ourselves. What we bless in others, we draw to us".

"The difference between a friendship and a romance can be illustrated with the image of a long-stemmed rose. The stem is the friendship; the blossom - the romance."


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