Oct 16, 2006 18:35
So, what does one do when they are grocery shopping and they have no idea where something is located? Well, typically they go and ask for it. But how does one do that when they don't know the particular name of what they want? They talk around the word and describe it, and hope the person they are asking knows what they want. What happens when that thing you want you have no idea how to describe it? Hmmmm. This was my experience today looking for vinegar. In case you all wanted to know, Vinegar, in German, is Essig. Who knew? I spent a long time walking through the store trying to recall the name, and all that came was oel, or oil, and that wasn't what I needed. I also tried to think of where it would be located in Albertsons or Safeway, and I couldn't remember, because I think I've only purchased it once. So, anyway, I finally stumbled across the oil and then the salad dressings, and this stuff that came in large bottles. I wasn't familiar with the name, and so I tried to see what they had on the labels. Vegetables, good... things like tomatoes and.... apples??? hmmm.... I finally found one that said "rotwein" (redwine) and one that said something that I think was Balsamic, and so I figured I was in the right spot. But all the bottles were so big! And I didn't want to buy a large bottle if it was the wrong thing. I wished that I could open a bottle to smell it. Then I would know. It wasn't a matter of paying for something that I didn't want. It was more that I didn't want to have to throw away or find a place to get rid of that large a bottle. But, I bought one anyway for .35 Euros. I just finished cutting up my Cucumber for tomorrow and poured some on it, and sure enough, it's Vinegar! Hooray!