Sarah smiles like Sarah doesn't care

Oct 09, 2011 04:51

Rin Okumura
Blue Exorcist


Backtagging: Always loved. I am a backtagger~.
Threadhopping: Another thing I love~.
Fourthwalling: Feel free to do so.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Feel free to discuss anything, I won't take offense. If there is something that bothers me, I will bring it to your attention.


Hugging this character: He's fairly affectionate, so he'd be okay with a few hugs.
Kissing this character: Uhm. It depends on a case by case basis. But he'd generally be a-okay!
Flirting with this character: He's what Japan likes to call a "tsundere". Rin would be unsure about the whole ordeal... but, he'd roll with what he can. While blushing at a 1000 mph.
Fighting with this character: He fights demons, jerks who make fun of other people, and guys who hurt animals. Other than that he won't purposely get into a fight. He is a victim of circumstance! That said, a fight can happen so long as he's been "properly motivated" aka given a good reason to display that super strength he has.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Sure. Contact me so we can get some plots up and running! He can be injured whichever way, is what I mean to say.
Killing this character: Admittedly, that would be fun and I would be heart-broken. Again, contact me first. I'd love to plot it out (and if it ends up not happening, we still have fun times!)
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Freakin' cool. Go ahead and try it out. Let's see what happens.

Warnings: Rin can be aggressive sometimes and when his gets pushed too far his emotions spiral out of control. His blue flames, which react to said emotions, can cause serious damage or death in those who come in contact with it. It takes absolute control on his end to assure that these flames do not get out of hand. So. Watch out if he's gotten too angry. Once consumed by those flames, there's little than can bring him back to normal. Unless someone was bold enough to come near him and re-sheath his sword...

Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme!


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