I got activated for 8 days FRA-JFK tml & it super pisses me off coz...
- It disrupted my 8 days Seoul-San Francisco which I am rostered for the very 1st time in 3 yrs!!! I really wanna go Seoul & San Francisco!!! Was so looking forward to it & Layhoon will be traveling on my flt!!!
- This is the 4th FRA-JFK I've done in 2 mths !!! I do until I really really wanna puke!!!
- It disrupted my original OFF Days & so now I cant attend class :(
- I'll haf 4 days 24 hrs standby when I come back -_-
- After the standbys I am rostered FRA-JFK AGAIN !!!
When I saw the activation I was really lyk WTF !!!
I stared and stared at the computer screen contemplating to acknowledge the call up anot or shld I call Ctrl and tell them to call me for other flts (as if they will do tt lor!)...In the end I clicked "Acknowledged" coz I noe the std ans they will give me..."I am sorry but tis is due to operational requirements" Den I will LL -_-
In my heart I'm lyk screaming at the top of my lungs the Pek-Cek-ness...ARGhhHHhHh!!!!
I really really dread going for flt tml :(
I tink i'll just hibernate in my rm and study...no shopping...no nth...just study (hopefully)....