(no subject)

Mar 19, 2005 12:03

yesturday was so much fun. i didn't go to school, cus it would've been pointless. and instead i woke up early and went to matt's house. then i went to starbucks around 11. then to my moms house to organize my closets, which they re-did and now i have drawers and shelves and its awesome. then i had to work at 5:30 and after work i went to dinner with my baby. =D

today has been a great day so far..minus the part that matts leaving. =(
i woke up at like 8:30, got dressed, went and said bye to matt cus hes going on a cruise for a week. went to the gym for an hour and kicked my own ass. then i went to einsteins and killed the whole last hour with a chocolate chip bagel. the best chocolate chip bagel everrrr. and i saw joey! then i went to the bank and cashed my $170 check that is going strait into my dads pocket for the car payment. =( now we're going to lunch and i have to work at 4. then im gonna hang out with tina, or justin & yao. idk. maybe all of them together. i hope the rest of my day is good too.

p.s. jimmy's a duesche, and doesn't know how to return phone calls. yeah. fuck you jimmy hone. (but im still completely in love with you. god, i hate myself) =/
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