Apr 05, 2005 15:01
well i had..... lets just say..... one of the worst school days ever!
it started this morning with a massive headache when i woke up
i was having a hard time getting out of bed.... that was my sign that i should have stayed home i guess
chior--- as usual was weird, strange, and annoying
then world history-- my fucking grade was a D cause she cant keep papers straight... and i have a big fat 0 for a test now becasue she didnt put it in and i brought it home and got thrown away
english--- was ok accually... one of the better parts of the day which is unusual
science--- i understood nothing and the BA is on thursday
lunch--- got a hair in my chicken sandwhich.......... how gross?!?!?!?!?
spanish--- learned the family words all over again
then MATH--- the real horror of the day!
my cell rang.... a book must have hit the power cause i know it was off.... then it started yelling girls just want to have fun cause i am deaf....in the middle of class....
then she posted grades and i got a bad quiz score and now my grade is a C
then she talked to me about my phone and i am written up and getting suspended... yes suspended.... the girl who has never been to sweeps, options, or the principals office so yes i have been crying and am just not in a good mood
so needless to say my day SUCKED
hope yours didnt