May 27, 2006 23:11
You cannot see faith, but you can see the footprints of the faithful. We must leave behind "faithful footprints" for others to follow.
-Dr. Dennis Anderson
You don't have to control your thoughts; you just have to stop letting them control you.
-Dan Millman
If we were to walk in the woods and a spring appeared just when we became thirsty, we would call it a miracle. And if on a second walk, if we became thirsty at just that point again, and again the spring appeared, we would remark on the coincidence. But if that spring were there always, we would take it for granted and cease to notice it. Yet is that not more miraculous still?
- Baal Shem Tov
The wise man knows the Self,
And he plays the game of life.
But the fool lives in the world
Like a beast of burden.
-Ashtavakra Gita 4:1
Develop the mind of equilibrium. You will always be getting praise and blame, but do not let either affect the poise of the mind: follow the calmness, the absence of pride.
-Sutta Nipata
Do not despise any person, and do not consider anything impossible, for there is no person who does not have an hour and no thing that does not have its place.
- Ethics of the Fathers (Pirkei Avot) 4:3
Be quick in doing
what's admirable.
Restrain your mind
from what's evil.
When you're slow
in making merit,
evil delights the mind.
-Dhammapada, 9, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
God has said, "Spend;" so earn something,
since there can be no expenditure without income.
Although He used the word, Spend absolutely,
read it, "Earn, then spend."
-Rumi, Mathnawi [V, 579-580]
To probe deep into your roots:
The ignorance and confusion are you yourself.
The preconceptions which are yourself
Are envoys and agents sent by yourself.
-"Drinking the Mountain Stream: Songs of Tibet's Beloved Saint, Milarepa"
If you must hate, if hatred is the leaven of your life, which alone can give flavor, then hate what should be hated: falsehood, violence, selfishness.
- Ludwig Börne, German-Jewish writer, 1786-1837
He is the Supreme Brahman, the Self of all, the chief foundation of this world, subtler than the subtle, eternal. That thou art; thou art That.
-Atharva Veda, Kaivalya Upanishad
If you want to know the past, to know what has caused you, look at yourself in the present, for that is the past’s effect. If you want to know your future, then look at yourself in the present, for that is the cause of the future.
-Majjhima Nikaya
Imagine yourself as a child lying on your back, gazing up into a cloudless sky, and blowing soap bubbles through a plastic ring. As a bubble drifts up into the sky, you watch it rise, and this brings your attention to the sky. While you are looking at the bubble, it pops, and you keep your attention right where the bubble had been. Your awareness now lies in empty space.
-B. Alan Wallace, "Tibetan Buddhism From the Ground Up"
First a person should put his house together, then his town, then the world.
- Rabbi Israel Salanter
Prayer is that which enables the soul to realize its divinity. Through prayer human beings worship absolute truth, and seek an eternal reward. Prayer is the foundation-stone of religion; and religion is the means by which the soul is purified of all that pollutes it. Prayer is the worship of the first cause of all things, the supreme ruler of all the world, the source of all strength. Prayer is the adoration of the one whose being is necessary.
-Ibn Sina, “Kitab al-Najat”
Liberation is only being rid of the idea that there is anyone who needs liberation.
-Ramesh Balsekar
In reply to the question, 'What is the best that people can possess, what brings them truest happiness, what is the sweetest of the sweet, and what is the pleasantest life to live?' the Buddha answered:
'Trust is the best that people can possess; following the way brings happiness; truth is the sweetest of the sweet; and the practice of insight is the pleasantest way to live.'
-Sutta Nipata
There is a benefit even in misfortune, for it is the rod
With which a man can measure the loyalty of friends.
-Tirukkural 80:796