Title: All Bets Are Off Main Pairing: KyuHyuk Side Pairings: EunHae, KyuMin Rating: PG-13 (language) Genre: Crack, Humor A/N: for khaus414 Summary: Playing games is always more fun when there's betting involved
Aww thank you. I'm a very emotional person, so whatever I write tends to affect me more than it would other writers. So I tend to lean to that side of things.
I could totally imagine Donghae being all sweet and pushy while Sungmin rolls his eyes and tries to pretend all of this doesn't affect him.
I know I said this already but thank you Devon ;;
I totally see Donghae being all needy and knowing just how to push Sungmin's buttons XD
You're welcome bb <3
That too ;D
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