May 28, 2013 21:32 let anyone that may have followed me know that I am still alive and haven't been swallowed whole by Hollywood...I've definitely had more crazy run ins with psychos since my last journal posting. My most recent creeper was stalking me on the Boulevard and followed me persistently whenever we crossed paths, completely oblivious even after I ignored him and/or yelled at him numerous times to leave me alone. The first time he followed me, he attempted to come home with me, refusing to leave my side, until I yelled at him. I think something is wrong with this crazy piece of shit. Fortunately, I haven't seen him recently, so I'm hoping he left the neighborhood. Hopefully posting about this won't somehow call forth this demon spawn to stalk me once again!
Anywho, that's all for now...I'm thinking I should return to livejournal to report things and share some of my thoughts, due to the more-or-less anonymous quality of the site. Needless to say, I'm tired of the drama of facebook and walking on eggshells there and on tumblr and such, to avoid the wrath of certain Plebeians who dwell there...And I kind of miss bitching and being emo here without shame or remorse. Oh well, I'll figure it out.