Seeing double...seeing flames...working on

Aug 16, 2008 22:19

My final class, as a UC Berkeley student, was a summer-session "beginning" photo class. It was a traditional class (meaning: B&W photography/developing) full of freshies, sophmores, and three upper classmen (note: I was the only grad student). It was fun, and light-hearted (way less intense then my studio work).

For my final project, I stole a two-len's digital camera which made stereograms from UCB's Visual Science department. With the help of my roommate David, we walked around campus and took some signature 'Berkeley' shots.

Using Matlab (and the image processing toolbox), we combined the dual images and made a series of anaglyphs.

%save a sequence of jpegs as a movie

framecapture=imread(['IMG_' num2str(frameinput)'.JPG']);


luminance=(framecapture(:,:,1) framecapture(:,:,2) framecapture(:,:,3));
clear anaglyph
anaglyph(:,:,1)=framecapture(:,1800:3200, 1);
anaglyph(:,:,2)=framecapture(:,100:1500, 1);

anaglyphe(:,:,1)=framecapture(:,1800:3200, 1);
anaglyphe(:,:,2:3)=framecapture(:,100:1500, 2:3);


The fountain and a jumping squirrel turned out to be my favorites...action shots which could've only been captured with my 'borrowed' equipment (you can see the rest at my flickr page).

In other news...

Nothing happened to me this summer that was terribly interesting. However, a lot of things happened that were very important steps forward for me. The big news is, that after a whole summer of chasing it, I landed my dream job. Starting Monday, I am a Staff Scientist for the Center for Fire Research and Outreach at UC Berkeley . It's a 3-year research position, where I will be working to develop a GIS-based risk assessment model for determining priority sites for fire and erosion risk throughout California. The model is going to be the first step towards a state-wide effort to improve fire prevention through aggressive pre-fire and post-fire treatments.

I'm very happy that I was brought onto this project. It's a huge step in the direction I've been trying to head. For the past 2-years I've been attempting to find positions which will allow me to utilize the full breadth of my educational/professional background: from environmental science, to remote sensing, to economics, to civil engineering, to english. Even though I think interning for URS was a step in the right direction: environmental consulting never allowed me to be as comprehensive as a worker as I like to be. Furthermore, even though I appreciate the lifestyle, academia definitely proved to be too polluted and stagnate with low-paying post-docs, over-specialization, tenure politics, and research loop-holes to guarantee me the type of intellectual freedom I really crave.

At this moment, I think pursuing the non-professor/research scientist route will definitely guarantee me the quality of life I like-- with the access to data that I need and want (I am pretty stubborn about not wanting to affiliate myself with either the military and/or NASA...the two big remote sensing hiring forces who I would have several moral/political reasons for not wanting to be affiliated with).

Overall, my new gig is a pretty big project. Even though the fire season has been getting progressively worse in California, there is currently very little fire prevention work being done to prevent large scale fires. It is a critical issue...and a challenge that will probably keep me mentally entertained for a long time.

Of course, it wouldn't be a university job without the usual political whoo-ha. In this case due to the govenator's Schwarzenegger's budgetary hiring freeze the Center is technically not allowed to hire me right now. However, this week, the group found it necessary to direct funds from existing projects to bring me on board before the current fire season becomes even more of a deadly expense for the state...and the future of this effort.
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