Jul 11, 2005 14:49
OMFG. I just got an email from Andrew's mom, and this is how is goes!
Hi Kassie,
I understand from a message from Andrew that you need to have a "trial"
interview for you new job. I'd be more than happy to assist you. I'm back
to work this next week and can do it anytime after 6pm (except this coming
Friday - the 15th). Nathan is having his Wisdom Teeth taken out and we'll
be down in Bellevue for the day and night.
I would like to share some "Mom" concerns I've been having recently.
Andrew has shared that you and he have become "just friends" and not in an
exclusive relationship. I understand that was his choice and not yours.
Whether you know it or not, this was a big decision on his behalf, because
from his past experiences he tends to seek "needy relationships" and wants
to be "needed". The reason I'm sharing this with you is that your attention
towards Nathan, while may be "innocent" in your eyes, has not been viewed
that way by others (not Nathan, but by other family members, Andrew's
friends and including myself). Since this has happened in the past between
Andrew & Nathan, I'm feeling a bit obligated to step in when it becomes an
issue between the two of them. Now it has, so whether it is your intention
or not, I just want you to not interfere with Andrew & Nathan's "delicate
and fragile brother relationship". There is a definite age difference
between you and Nathan, and it is clear he wants to just hang out and be
friends - but if this poses a problem for either of them, I'm going to step
in and let all those involved know. I'm not one of those interfering and
controlling Mom's who has to know and be everything in their kids lives, but
because both Andrew & Nathan have gone thru a lot the past several years, I
will not allow anyone to interfere negatively with their relationship.
Again, the offer to help you with your job is still open and I hope
that the spirit of honesty and truthfulness that this message was delivered
in was received and not meant to hurt feelings.
And here's what I wrote back!
I completely understand. It was never my intention to cause any sort of rift between Andrew and Nathan. I thought I had made myself clear in regards to that before, but I guess I hadn't. To that I apologize, that just means unecessary stress on you and Andrew and Nathan. I'm sorry.
Andrew's decision wasn't much of a shock to me, and though I didn't want it, I was seriously considering the same idea he was, he just beat me to it. I hope that we can still be friends, and if that means not considering Nathan as a friend too, so be it. All I EVER wanted from Nathan was friendship, nothing more. He's a very cool little guy, but as you said, there is a distinct age difference. For the record, I wouldn't never date anyone under the age eighteen barrier, to me that's rather repulsive. There are some lines that I do not cross, coming between family is one. Family means a lot to Andrew, even in the short time we dated I knew that if someone didn't meet his family's approval, they were done with. Even with Nathan's fractured relationship with his dad, I know that he still counts on his family alot, especially you and Andrew.
I'm very sorry for any stress this has caused you, like I said, this was not my intention. I just wanted two very cool friends. I was hoping to try and forget that Andrew and I had dated, and be his friend for as long as he wanted to be friends. I was also hoping that Nathan didn't miscontrue me being myself which I understand can be 'flirty' and I will try to keep that to a minimum. But as long as Andrew and I are still friends, I hope I can still be friends with Nathan, as long as we both know exactly where we stand and exactly what is acceptable and what is not.
Please give Nathan a GIANT hug and let him know that I know wisdom teeth are NO fun. I have never needed mine out (Thank GOD!) but I have had a LOT of friends get theirs pulled and I am given to understand it is NOT fun. If he wants, and with your approval of course, while he is still trying to recover we can hang out and try to see this kick ass movie that we were talking about. I really want to see War of the Worlds, which has 2 great points in it's favor; it's a Steven Spielberg movie and it's one of my favorite stories.
Again, I know you only want what's best for both of them, and who wouldn't? They are totally awesome people, you should be proud. I just wish I had a mom as cool as you! But if you deem that me hanging out with Nathan is unacceptable, I will accept your wish. I don't want to see Nathan hurt, he has a lot to deal with as it is. I do not want to add to the stress in his life.
Thank you so much for the concern! I will let you know about the practice presentation, I think I still have that home phone number laying around from when Andrew gave it to me. If not, I'll get you a time through Andrew. Thank you so much for helping me, that is above and beyond the line of duty.
Thanks again, for everything. :) Email me anytime you think you need to, my inbox is always open!
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