Mar 15, 2004 00:11
PSOE!!! The socialist party has taken over power in the Spanish government for the first time in 8 years. The people have spoken. They wanted a change, and they got it. You know why? Because they voted! 76% of Spain showed up at the polls today, and some were even taken in ambulances from the hospital to cast their vote. Last week the PP (Popular Party) was favored to win. After Thursday, that all changed. The citizens here felt as if the government was keeping something from them, namely critical information about the bombings. Sound familiar? Hmm. Maybe our country can learn from the Spanish people, and instead of complaining that they do not like Bush, or hate the war, they will actually go out and vote. Realistically, we will never have a 76% voter turnout, but hey, if people want change, they HAVE to vote. It is how our system works. Today I witnessed what happens in a democracy. The voice of the people was heard, and for this reason Spain will be a different place. Congrats to the Spanish people for getting their way. I also would like to add that I have yet to hear a statement from Bush regarding what was said on the tape from Al-Qaeda. What does he think about the fact that Spain was bombed because they were backing something from HIS policies? Notice, he is silent.