May 08, 2005 10:00
Why does this always have 2 happen 2 me? Something really serious happend lastnite. Brittney was over and we were sewing pillows 4 our moms nd then the door rang. I opened the door and it was the police. They asked 4 my mom or dad but unfortunetly my om was out at dinner and my dad doesnt live with me. So i gave him my moms cell # and she didnt answer so the cop left. And then about a half hour later he came back. me and brittney were scared 2 death we didnt kno wut was going on. And i didnt answer the door but brittney encouraged me to. He asked if my mom was home yet but she wasnt. And he asked if we were sisters and we said yes because then they would have called brittneys mom or dad. The cop asked if we had any brothers or sisters. We said yes and he asked how old and we said 17. So Brittney bleeped my dad alot and he finally answered. So the cops wanted to speak to him so we gave him the phone. He went outside and we overheard him talking to my dad. He said that there was a serious car accident and its very serious and they got flown out by a helicopter. Thats when it happend. My mind went blank and i started shaking. Me and brittney didnt kno who it was so she asked him. He said my brother. I started shaking even more. My stomach started to get the butterflies. The cop said he was at the westchester medical center. And when i heard he got flown out by a helicopter, i thought this HAD to be serious. Then my mom finally called and the cop told her. My mom called me and she was crying on the phone. I called myra and she was really far away but she still went to the hospital to visit. And i started crying and so did brittney. My brother felt like a brother to brittney. I told her she has 2 go home i dont want her going through all of this trouble. But she didnt want me to stay home alone. But i called my dad to ask him if he can stay with me and he had 2 turn around cuz he was was on his way to the hospital. So brittney called her mom and asked if she can pick her up and she did and my dad came. And my dad told my grandma too. He wanted me 2 call her to see how she was doing. When she picked up the phone she started crying and she said she almost had a heart attack. My dad felt helpless so he made me go 2 the hospital with him to see my mom and other relatives. It was 12:30 at night. When we got there my grandma,anthony,myra,myras boyfriend,aunt terri,aunt jerry,and my aunt terris boyfriend,and my brothers dad,and of course my mom,and my uncle eiton and aunt betty. My mom myra and my brothers dad was trying 2 see my brother but my brothers dad saw him and myra did to and she told my mom not to see him hes really bad. And my dad saw him to. He came out and told my mom not to see him either. he cant talk cuz he has a tube down his throat and stitches on his head. His left eye is really bad and so is the left side of his face. Hes not unconcious because his eyes were open and he heard what people were saying. I asked my dad how this accident happend and he said the cops said that he was following his friends on the highway and he was trying to catch up with them and there was a truck in front of him and he was trying to get off and exit but he went into the side bar thing and slid down a hill and fell into something like a ditch. I really hope hes gonna be ok and he probably is cuz hes a strong and good person. So please pray for me that hes gonna be ok. And brittney thanx a whole lotta bunch i dont know wut i would do without u <3 143