Gmarket order #1

Oct 11, 2011 22:48

First entry after reviving and giving this journal a new raison d'être, yay!
I decided to turn this into some sort of review-blog, so I'll be reviewing (duh) things I order online or just post photos of cute/cool/fun stuff I happen to find =)
Starting this off with my first ever Gmarket order (that I did with my best friend, btw)~

I placed the order on September 7th and received everything on the 21st. It took a bit longer, because three items got cancelled and then it took forever until a few items were ready to be shipped out. But that's okay, I'm a patient person hahah

On to the pictures! They are all clickable for bigger versions, jsyk ;D


The first one is Xin's order, the second one is mine. As you can see, we ordered pretty much the same stuff, all mostly from Etude House kekeke...

^ This is the only thing I didn't order as well.
We weren't really sure what to expect from "cherry tint", but Xin decided to be brave and ordered it. Now that she got to try it, all she has to say about it is: "I WANT THE OTHER TWO, TOO!!!" hahaha it's nude coloured long-lasting lipgloss with a very natural look. The Lip & Eye makeup remover was a freebie =)


^ Etude House BB Magic Cream and Precious Mineral BB Cream

We both agree that we felt kind of uneasy about ordering these, since we didn't have any chance to see if the colours would match our skin tone. Luckily, the BB Magic Cream is pure awesomeness and matches perfectly! We're definitely pleasantly surprised~ it covers up imperfections and doesn't make the skin dry, which I always had a problem with. The only thing that kind of irks me is the smell of it, it reminds me of mint and/or some medical paste or something?
The Precious Mineral BB Cream, on the other hand, didn't make me happy at all. I tried it twice so far and it always feeled like I'm caking something onto my skin, since it's kind of hard to spread evenly. Additionally, it didn't even surive half a day at work, I ended up looking like I didn't wash my face properly in the morning :/ and I probably should have chosen a darker shade of it, even though it's pretty much the same shade as the BB Magic Cream...

^ 내 피부를 부탁해, 요거트! (Take care of my skin, yogurt!) face mask

We both haven't tried this yet, but I sniffed the packaging (lol yeah, I know...) and they smell really nice, especially the kiwi one hahah /weirdo

^ Acerola Vita C gel

Two words: compressed awesomeness!
The smell of it is amazing and it moistures the skin really nicely without leaving an oily film! We both use it as BB cream base :3

^ Nail polishes, wheeee~

I kind of went nail polish-crazy, as you can see XD
The colours I got (from left to right): Petite Darling Nails HD Beam GR601 팝그린 슬러시, Petite Darling Nails HD Beam BR307 바닐라 베이지, Petite Darling Nails HD Beam BR302 그림 슈, Petite Darling Nails WH706 트루 블랙, Petite Darling Nails 베이스 코트, Petite Darling Nails BR309 깔루아 밀크, Petite Darling Nails MATTE 8호 민트 쿠키, Petite Darling Nails MATTE 2호 라떼 브라운
First of all: I love them. All of them. I absolutely love nude nail polishes, so peachy/creamy colours I got are prefection. And the ones on the left are matte. Actually matte. That's pretty much the coolest thing ever. And they last forever without chipping muahahaha
Here are samples of what they look like:

^ WH706 트루 블랙 and 2호 라떼 브라운

^ BR307 바닐라 베이지, BR309 깔루아 밀크 and BR302 그림 슈

^ 베이스 코트, GR601 팝그린 슬러시 and 8호 민트 쿠키

Thanks to my sister for letting me paint her nails about 20 times hahah

^ Happy Teatime and Vita Foam cleansing foam

I bought the Vita Foam for my sister, since I felt mean ordering so many fancy things for myself and nothing for her XD; it combines all the stuff she likes: it cleans your face (she's hardcore into that stuff atm), sweet smell and leaving a mess in the bathroom hahah...
Xin and I both got the Happy Teatime cleaning foam for ourselves, and while she thinks it smells like baby powder, I think it faintly smells like English breakfast tea... with lots and lots of milk XD I always use it when I'm almost done showering and I don't know why, but it makes my face squeak when I rub my hands over my face to wash it off ahahah Xin gets dry skin from it, but my face looks all rosy and soft after I use it~

That's all we ordered from Etude House :3

^ It's Skin Macaron Lip Balm (Strawberry)

The only thing I ordered from It's Skin~ at first I thought I probably wouldn't have ordered it, if Nichkhun wasn't advertizing it (advertizing totally works on me, you know... XD), but I'm glad I did! It smells nice and keeps my lips from getting all dry, like they tend to do once it's getting colder outside. Plus, it looks like a cookie! Yumm yumm~

^ Mamonde Age Control test set

I got this for my mum, since I would have felt even meaner, if I didn't get her anything as well... so I was clicking my way through Gmarket for anti ageing products and found this. It's a "starter kit" aka samples. My mum has really sensitive skin, so I didn't want to invest $90 in a full-size set and end up with her being allergic to it or something. The set includes emulsion, moisturizer, two cremes and a skin softener. Mum is pretty satisfied with what I got her, but I'll probably buy a different kit for her birthday/Christmas :3

And since such orders aren't fun without some freebies, here is what I got :D

^ Etude House Moistful face masks and baking powder (lolwhut...) makeup removal thingies

They threw in like 7 packs of the face masks and about trizillion packs of the makeup removal wipes... The face masks are kind of amusing, since they're bascially face wipes drenched in nicely smelling lotion (?) but with cut-outs for your eyes, nose and mouth. Super creepy, imho. The makeup removal wipes do what they're supposed to do, but they are way too oily for my liking :/

^ Etude House cotton pads and It's Skin serum

I got three boxes of these cotton pads... yeah. And serum. Yeah. /shrugs

^ Etude House Silk Scarf conditioner, shampoo and body wash + cleansing oil

Everything smells like a different kind of strawberry cotton candy *Q* so goooood~~ and the cleansing oil has an ugly Mona Lisa on it lmao

Overall, I am very satisfied with our first order. Everything went smooth and no one got hurt! There is definitely going to be a next time... as soon as my bank account recovered eheheh.
I hope you liked this little review n____n

open for public, , shopping, pictures, review
