Aug 26, 2008 15:19
the new spin article john malley inspires me to be a music journalist or at least strive to be. heres a footnote from the article in sept.s issue. "if you didnlt know better, you might think thatls exactly what has zapped Beck's energy tonight. "Low-key" doesn't quite describe his vibe; that would suggest he's a warm-bodied presence. In fact, he's more of an essence# there but not there, friendly but remote, in the flesh but somewhere in the clouds, too. It suits his ethereal looks, which are still long and lean and striking, even if his Huck Finn features, now framed by shoulder-length locks, have yielded to faint age lines ,dense stubble,and an unexpected crop of chest chair." yea so genius, i want to get in beck'* head not bed cuz he's married but a kid who steps faster than Timbaland's monsturous beats. lol 80's baby and craig owens looks good on ap's credentials, tahtah!!! for now