Aug 06, 2005 00:07
. Slept in your bed: Me
. Saw you cry: Rave girls, it was like 1 tear, ok. lol.
. You shared a drink with: I dont share drinks... well there are a few exceptions, but they be speacial. YUP!
. You went to the movies with: Chrissy Jacob and Nadia
. You went to the mall with: Umm, i freakin work in Westland Mall...
. Yelled at you: Abe, freakin guy. lol.
. Sent you an email: Uncle Joe
. Worst feeling in the world: Feeling lost, confused, and/or alone.
. Future son's name: I dunno, ill have 2 ask the wife about that one.
. Future daughter's name: Jenna, means "Heaven" in arabic.
. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: umm, "Steve the Danceing Shark" makes my headboard not bang and make noise, he count?
. What's under your bed: Gundam models, old school projects, and other junk.
. Siblings: Fay, Abe
. Location: Dearborn
. College plans: HFCC for now.
. Piercings/tattoos: None.
. Do you drink: NO! HELL NO!
. Who is your best friend(s): Beth, Kat, Jessi, Christen, Mandi.
. Where do you want to get married: Anywere
. Who or what do you really hate: Liers, theifs, muderers, ignorant people, "whiggers".
. Been in Love: No
. Do you drive: Soon
. Do you have a job: YES!
. Do you like being around people: Yes.
. Are you a health freak: NO, just a lil bit of a germ freak.
. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: Umm, i dunno?
. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite/same sex did: Yes
. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: Not really.
. Do you want to get married: In the future, i hope to.
. Do you want kids: Yes, all healthy... i dont care weather boy or girl, as long as healthy and happy.
. Room in house: Computer Room/Office
. Color: Blue, black.
. Perfume or cologne: Cologne! Chrome, Emperio Armani, Kennith Kole Reaction, Hugo Boss.
. Month: July, and another month u dun gotta know bout.
. Flower: "Passion Flower", omg... so sexy.
. Cried: No
. Bought something: Yes, water
. Met someone: Yes
. Missed someone: Ya
. Hugged someone: Ya
. Kissed someone: on lips, no. on cheek, ya.
. Became shy around someone: no
. Been to the diner: No
. Exercised: Yeah, a lil bit.
First best friend: Nader
First screen name: Eddydawg47x
First CD: Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory
First pets: Goldfish
First piercing: none
First musician you remember hearing in your house: My mom, my lulaby.
First girlfriend/boyfriend: Senior year, L.
Last car ride: ride home from work
Last kiss: on lips, umm, 3 months er so?
Last good cry: When possiblility RAVE girls might leave, i didnt brawl n cry, just a tear er so.
Last library book: Fast Food Nation
Last movie seen: some of ALI with will smith.
Last tv show: Mind of Mencia
Last food consumed: Spegetti, and Maccaroni n cheese... they taste good in combination.
Last phone call: To momy.
Last shoes worn: K-Swiss
Last cd played: The Postal Service.
Last item bought: Water
Last annoyance: Dumass Customers
Last disappointment: Vending machine sold out of MILKYWAY!
Last website visited: LiveJournal
What color socks are you wearing: None
What time did you wake up today: 8:15 am
What is your career going to be: Sales, or computer something.
Where are you going to live: Where ever life takes me.
What kind of car(s) do you drive: Red 95' Chevey Blazer
Current mood: Tired and confused.
Current music: What Kinda Girl - Massari
Current hair: Let lose.
Current clothes: Shorts n tee
Current annoyance: Unsure about something.
Current desktop picture: My nefews, Danny and Joey, wallpaper.
Current crush: Umm, a RAVE girl... if u dunno who it is then you dont need 2 know do you do you FOOL!
I found this intresting and amuseing,