So here I am sitting in front of a computer this afternoon when off the top of my head I desided to Google the word Slusho.
Now you might be wondering...Joey what the heck is Slusho???
Well I've got a bit of time. So let me enlighten you as to what makes Slusho great.
1) Slusho has appeared in the JJ Abrams T.V. Show Alias (Someplace in Episode 2)
2) Last week Elle Dumped a Slusho in her lap on Heroes.
3) Slusho was one of the Codenames of The formerly untitled JJ Abrams Movie Cloverfield
4)Slusho has it's own website: 5) The Cast of Heroes loves Slusho
So this might not really explain why Slusho is cool but in the end it gave me something to do other then freezing my butt off. :)