At school.

Oct 13, 2004 07:50

Hmm, I'm at school in the library with Sara. I'm bored. So yeah, I got my school I.D. today and I look freakin` stoned in the picture. Haha, My hair was really dark :-/ but oh well. Uh yeah.

Well yesterday i had like 20 bitches in my car then i told one to get out and they were like yoooooooo and i was like yooooo what tha hell? and tha bitch got slapped and then she was all like WTF and i was just like thats what tha fuck you get fr disrespecting my vechicle<- hmm, well that was Sara and her life story. :-)

Okay and heres my week/weekend.

Thursday: I have no idea what I did. I didnt go to school.. and umm i think jeff came over or something? one of those days he did, and we chilled for a while and whatever.

Friday: Ashley came over and we went to homecomming w/ Kyle and met up with everyone there, and then jeff called my cell and told me that lori was back from college for the weekend, so they picked us up from homecomming and we drove around, and drove the circle and debated if we were going to dan's dads house in wolcott or not, and we decided not to, and I think that was it.

Saturday: I worked from 10am to freakin 6. that sucked majorly. and then I think I chilled with jeff lori and kyle? I dont know though.

Sunday: I dont think i did much of anything. I think i chilled with kyle and jeff or something?

Monday i went to kyles at like 10am and then we walked down to cj's and chilled there for a while with him dawn michelle and tony. that was cool. And then me and kyle walked back and chilled at his house untill like 230 and then i went to work from 3-7 and came home and did nothing.

Tuesday: KYLES BIRTHDAY!! I went to school in a really bitchy fucking mood coz` people piss me the fuck off. but yeah.. Shit with me and Kyle is better now and we are straight so that's good. :-) But yeah, after I got home from school Zak picked me up w/ Brittany and we went to the skatepark and I got to see Danny which was cool coz I havent seen him since fucking wednesday. (thats a gay word) And then me Dave and Dan started walking towards Burger King to meet jeff there and then kyle called my cell phone and decided to tell me when we were already half way to burger king that jeff was at his house and that we couldnt go there. So there was that plan gone, so then we went to the woods behind spry and walked the trails and stuff. that was fun.

Wednesday: well how gay, im at the library bored outta my mind with sara. oh well.

Okay and now i'm done.
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