Why won't you just leave me alone, you fucking cunt?!

Jul 08, 2005 21:31

Let's see....

I think I'll start with Skylor. I met him two nights ago. I was at Off the Chain, my friendly local latenight queer coffeeshop, waiting for Tasha to meet up with me and shooting the shit with the staff (which was Curtis on this particular eve). Stonewall Youth, local group of queer youth, has just gotten out. They were so young and so cute... and god, you could just taste the drama in the air when they all walked in.

One particularily adorible fag sat down and started talking to me while I was waiting for Curtis to make a mocha for one of the girls (little brat that kept talking about how the mochas there weren't nearly as good as Starbucks, but her grandfather wouldn't give her any more money so she couldn't spend twice as much by going there right now). This adorible fag boy is Skylor. He kind of reminds me of my old friend from Beaverton, Tommy Andrews. I think that's what attracted me to him at first. But he really is amazingly easy to get along with. 15 minutes after meeting him, we were already acting like close friends. I invited him to come to queer skate night with me and Tom and Mike. He agreed.

Later Tasha came and people jumbled around a bit and I lost Sky for a while. I thought he might have left without me finding a way to get a hold of him. But he was just hiding around the corner. He had made a new "friend". His real name is Dan, but I'm going to refure to him as cunt (even though he isn't quite fit for such a wonderful nick-name (cut for a gay boy, cunt is kind of a bad name)). Sky was all up on cunt. they were like lovers finaly united after a long and terrible war... but in all actuality they had just met 10 minutes prior. Sky made a reference to a Margaret Cho joke and everyone laughed but cunt. Cunt didn't know who Cho was, so we all decided to go to my place and watch one of her movies. Once at my place, sky had the nerve of asking me plainly infront of everone (including cunt) if he could "do oral" with him in my appartment. I yelled "no"!!! I pulled Sky off to the side and told him that he should show more respect to cunt and not have sex with him until they have gotten to know eachother a little better. Sky didn't get it. He told me that oral was not sex.

I quick note of distaste about cunt:
He is the biggest fucking moron that I have ever met!!! He's dumb as fuck (and I don't usually say that kind of thing about a person (especially since I know that I am not the brightest crayon in the box myself)). I kind of feel sorry for him because I don't think that anyone has ever loved him... and maybe never will. Mind you it would take a very specail person to love such a thick thick thick thick thick person. In his own words, his only real interests are, well, shopping. That's it?! His aspirations are to be 1) a model 2) a fucking ho. He won't shut up about how he wants to be wants to look hotter (he thinks purging everything he eats for the sake of his body is a really good idea) so as many people as possible will want to fuck him. Yet, we asked him what kind of music he likes and his reply was "oh, you know, nothing too... unchristian". We were all a little shocked. We asked again, this time for a more specific responce and he said: "well, I used to listen to Britny Spears a lot, but than my mom siad she was too much of a ho, so I can't listen to her anymore". Oh god.

I don't want anything to do with cunt anymore. He makes Sky much less interesting too, because he has to dumb himself down just to hold a conversation with cunt. I know the boy is horney and it's been 7 months (he's told me at least seven times now) since he's had sex... but really... can't you do any better Sky? Do you have to pick the biggest moron in the world? We'd much rather hang out with you unattached to your cunt. And you've already sucked him off... isn't that good enough? Please tell me that's good enough!

Well... there's a bit more detail, but that's the jist of the situation... and I'm tired and don't feel like typing anymore at the moment.

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