Feb 03, 2004 16:04
So today is my third day being sick. It sucks a lot. I think tomorrow I am gonna go back to school, whether I feel better or not. I can't afford to miss anymore school. I have already missed two tests I know of...and tons of homework. Yea so tomorrow expect me to be back.
It rained so much today. It was very pretty. I like the rain when I'm not at school.
I REALLY need a haircut. I am sooo tired of my hair. I swear it is soooo boring. I have had the same cut since like before August. It is old. I want new highlites too. There is so much I want though so I need to just shutup cause I could go on FOREVER.
Well nothing interesting has happened to me since I have been at home. My parents are annoying as hell and I have been SOO bored.
By the way...I can't figure out how to change the leave message thingy on here if I have a free account...I know all these people who have free accounts who have them changed...but I'm slow and can't figure it out lol. If you can post and tell me I will love you FOREVVVVER. <333