Today I received a couple of nice MUCC things, the ticket for their show in January, and Flight singles (thanks to
mittsu_kazoero )!
Anyway, hoarding their discography has definitely become a hobby for me, if not an obsession even. I used to buy many CDs, but over time I've almost completely lost interest in spending money on any other music than MUCC. My collection isn't that great (I know some people have it way greater, I won't even mention a word about Japanese fans), but every once in a while I'm getting compulsions for guarding it in case of fire, or just simply, I constantly think about buying more and missing out on some release if I don't get it now (since the list of such releases is already as long as Pinocchio's nose...).
MUCC can be such a nuisance sometimes, especially if you're drawn to the materialistic aspects like me...