What a week

Sep 09, 2005 04:58

This week:
- I found out that not one, but *two* of the leads from Boy Gets Girl are in my Writing the Essay class. They mentioned Mulligan's Golf to solidify the connection and suggested I go nightgulfing.
- I ate fruitloops and pizza for lunch
- I got a job working at the teaching soundstage, where I can learn about light and sound and camera equipment while making $8/hour.
- My roommates and I stealthily escaped the herded group of Hayden-ers during a 10 o'clock firedrill to get hot cocoa at the local starbucks (which happens to be on our mealplan ;D)

- I had to drop French because it's a level too high for me
- I enrolled in Asian-American Literature (bwehe)
- I saw a black man wearing an "I Love Black People" shirt, making me think "Oh, Nancy"
- I saw Ashley Olsen (Jeff: only Mary-Kate dropped out)
- I found out the actress who played Matilda lives in Weinstein, the dorm across the park
- I had strawberry poptarts for dinner.
- I went to a screening of the new Robert Redford movie where the producer (who is also the producer of Star Wars) was speaking afterwards
- I left said screening to watch the series premiere of the OC, solidifying that it is an unhealthy addiction that led me to miss a Q and A session with one of the biggest producers around (but at least Trey's around)
-I stuck around for Reunion, which was not bad.

I really do love New York. I can't imagine being anywhere else.

Oh, and write to me, bitches. Or I'll make up a song with my address so catchy that you'll HAVE to write to get it out of your head.
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