Natural Causes
~8,200 words
OT5, PG-13, AU
summary: They were supposed to bring about the end of the world, but Taemin just had to waltz into the destruction and upset the natural order of things.
a/n: so the prompt for this was
captain planet… seriously. clearly my sister enjoys giving me a hard time :\ i don’t think this was the interpretation
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Seriously, omg, this is precious beyond words and I have been spazzing out the entire time. The elements fit so wonderfully and Taemin is so precious and aaaaa OT5! ;A;
CONGRATULATIONS! Awesome awesome job (you are forever banned from saying you suck at writing), would read a billion times again.
I am so incoherent it's unfunny, but IDC I LOVE THIS AND I LOVE YOU!!!
actually, this fic was inspired by a physics lesson, of all things.
thank youuuuu~! ♥ /ignores ban lalala~
if you loved it, that makes one of us, yay! also i love you more :DDD
Wujujuju yay for inspiring lessons! Man, I wish I were inspired by my recent lessons. ._.
You deserve it so much! ;A; And I will strictly enforce that ban, jsyk. I know someone with a random shotgun, kekeke~
;A; BUT WHY. I will love it enough for the two of us, then! ;A; And I love you forever ♥!!!
HOW CAN YOU NOT FIND BIO INSPIRING. oops, brb fixing my broken sarcasm meter. you could ttly write a fic about...uh...taemin getting scared of a flying cockroach he's supposed to dissect, or something 8D
you would shoot me with a shotgun ._.
ok you do that. i love you for eternity!!! ♥
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