Spooks 8.2

Nov 19, 2009 09:02

A few comments on episode 2. No other spoilers.

* Poor Ruth - she's lost all her family in two episodes. : And she wasn't even married to George anyway - no wonder she didn't answer Harry last time.

* Ruth sums up their status... and Harry needs a hug.

* I remember going to one of those sort of presentations... but that didn't happen.

* The HS calls her Ms Myers this time - obviously because Harry's there.

* The energy situation is not good, is it?

* I love the Norwegian comment.

* Tazbekstan? Hahaha. Where did they get that name from?

* Wow, what a coincidence - they sound like the Uzbeks.

* Poor Harry. He's dead funny, our HS.

* Huh, why has iPlayer crashed? Well, at least it crashed on Robert. Oh, it's back.

* Apparently random guy does The Flop. Wait, wrong show. No, he's not random, he's the new boy - who's left his bike on the road. OK, it's a write-off but still...

* "What is that?" How rude! Ros doesn't want him to wear a T-shirt, but what has she got under her jacket?

* Ros introduces the baddie (to be known as Thumper). I don't think he's very fluffy though. The HS should recognise him from Hustle 5.1.

* Thumper is the interpreter for the Tazbek delegation.

* "Big step up from the cotton factory" - sounds a bit patronising. :o

* Harry is a wit... and Thumper laughs in a "not funny" kind of way. Harry "stalks the corridors of power, spreading good cheer."

* They're all perfect politicians.

* "If only everything were so simple..." Like capping that Ros / HS smile.

* That CIA woman really annoys me. Grrrr. So they're "liaising" anyway... and is that a bit of hypocrisy? Surely not.

* It would seem he's right to be paranoid... but not paranoid enough.

* Someone who's not frightened is very scary!

* "White male, blue jacket" - that narrows it down.

* Ros "deals with it", although I'm not convinced it's quite like what a nurse would do.

* Ooh yeah, "bloody Internet".

* I don't think Harry's on the side of truth and justice. He wants lights on his Christmas tree.

* Jo goes past some random yoof innit.

* Power cuts - just like the 70s.

* Lucas agrees to take the tough assignment. Just like Ash the oil expert (although it has to be said that Lucas looks happier).

* Flopsy doesn't look very fluffy either.

* "Special adviser" - is that what they're calling it nowadays?

* Plowden is using the same café? If I were paranoid, I would have changed after my "chat" with Lucas.

* Flopsy is one dangerous bunny.

* Harry has his grumpy tie on today, or perhaps he doesn't like poetry.

* Lucas is going to meet Violet Franklin. He isn't impressed even though she knows some Shakespeare.

* Spooks obviously have their meetings in dark alleys out of the public gaze right? Wrong.

* Leaving your bugs on the table is not a good idea.

* Lucas is with a woman - he can't be FSB!

* Thumper's for the chop. Run rabbit run!

* Bibi can't do it - but Jo can. Bibi can't take the strain. More dry cleaning. :(

* Yeah, the Foreign Secretary should have been there. Why was the HS there at all (wearing a ring)?

* Whoops. HS is not pleased with Harry, not one little bit.

* Random yoof - you can't trust 'em.

* Harry's on the ball with his geography.

* They have to go through the US to Russia. Lose/lose. I just want to slap "Violet".

* Harry's sorting it out... Awww.

* I never thought I'd be annoyed at a cut to a RA scene. Still... they're getting a room. Not quite soon enough.

* They could have had a closer shot of the HS standing there... but a good scene with Harry.


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