May 18, 2009 13:32

Oh joy… I’m back at work, after a week off… but I only have 3 weeks then I’m off for a few days again…
Nightmare today, forgot one of the most important things to do my job, and that would be my ID badge and Smart card. Oh well luckily I won’t need my Smart card today, THANKGOD… as they normally send you home to go fetch….. “Note to self, put ID badge back in work bag when arriving home”

I’m lucky, after a week off, I don’t have mountains of paper work, which is a shock to the system as I’m used to coming back from time of and having so much work, I don’t know where to start… But I guess I must just have this service under tighter control then I thought.

Nothing new on the love life situation, Still Single and Fancy free, Not in too much of a rush… been talking to a nice couple of lads, but nothing serious… Will see what happens... one guy has been messing me around, which I came to realise he picks me up when he wants, which just isn’t right. Relationships should be equal so I’m going to cut loose. So next time I hear from him, I will be saying BYE BYE…. Yes we have a good connection… hmmm I think we do, he could just be saying all the right things to be having me in tow… so its best if I cut loose… Would take one HUGE gesture for me to change my mind

Best get back to work… I’m off to cinema on Wednesday… to See Angles and Demons Can’t wait….

Farewell xx
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