
Mar 08, 2004 15:26

i pierced my ear last night it was a little awkward. it didnt hurt at all. but the after math is a little different. that makes 15 piercings. YAY!!!

my dad is driving me crazy. someone please come save me!!! i clean up every single mess he makes and then some. and he complains. i yell at him and tell him im not his damn slave. he treat me like i am, or a maid. it doesnt matter as long as it is said. the whole time i have been here i have done everything except the dishes, twice. that is when he did them he yells at me for all the cat hair that thomas leaves around (which isnt much) when his damn dog leave his all over. ugg!!! im sick of it.

plus he drinks. i have already had to deal with that from someone else about a year ago. he only drinks on the weekends. and i would yell at him. he just keeps drinking till the bottle of whiskey is gone, and that is in one night. he drinks friday, saturday, and sometimes sunday night.

so i cant drive my car until i get a job or money!!!!
im angry, it needs a little work. ind testing.

after i get my braces on im hopefully going to move to my cousins. she offered me to stay with her and her husband.
i would really like to do that.

i finally cleaned my room and did ALL of my laundry. it really needed it. woo hoo!!!
i also got mu mirror in my room. it BIG.
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