I myself wouldn't have interesting comments on the actors either. I'm not into actors or other celebrities.
I tend to hang out in bookstores a lot, too. I like Borders. Sorry you had to put up with that creepy guy. He sounds like a hotshot.
I've always looked younger than what I really am. Most of my family is like that.
I'll post that meme when I have time.
As a child, I usually had my door closed, too. Now, I still do that when I go to my parents' house. I tend to talk to myself a lot, and there was a time in high school when I did it more loudly and frequently. My parents scolded me for it. There were also times when I was talking to myself either too loud or where others can hear me. I would then quickly say, "Uh oh! I forgot that there are eavesdroppers," or "I forgot I'm in the eavesdroppers' zone."
Thanks for your comment! I was starting to fear that no one cared about me anymore. I have been down a lot lately, and in the previous entries about it, no one seemed to care. Well, in this entry, two people did comment nicely: http://speadee.livejournal.com/175924.html
It was in the entry following that one that no one said anything, so I figured that they didn't care or thought that I deserved the bad things: http://speadee.livejournal.com/176500.html
I'm glad you understand that I need to get things off my chest. For quite awhile, I've been afraid of saying thing on LJ, especially complaints. In December, an ex-LJ Friend, M_nemonica, said that I was getting upset too much, and falsely assuming that I was not accepting that life is hard and just using LJ Friends as shelter.
I tend to hang out in bookstores a lot, too. I like Borders. Sorry you had to put up with that creepy guy. He sounds like a hotshot.
I've always looked younger than what I really am. Most of my family is like that.
I'll post that meme when I have time.
As a child, I usually had my door closed, too. Now, I still do that when I go to my parents' house. I tend to talk to myself a lot, and there was a time in high school when I did it more loudly and frequently. My parents scolded me for it. There were also times when I was talking to myself either too loud or where others can hear me. I would then quickly say, "Uh oh! I forgot that there are eavesdroppers," or "I forgot I'm in the eavesdroppers' zone."
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Thanks for your comment! I was starting to fear that no one cared about me anymore. I have been down a lot lately, and in the previous entries about it, no one seemed to care. Well, in this entry, two people did comment nicely: http://speadee.livejournal.com/175924.html
It was in the entry following that one that no one said anything, so I figured that they didn't care or thought that I deserved the bad things:
I'm glad you understand that I need to get things off my chest. For quite awhile, I've been afraid of saying thing on LJ, especially complaints. In December, an ex-LJ Friend, M_nemonica, said that I was getting upset too much, and falsely assuming that I was not accepting that life is hard and just using LJ Friends as shelter.
I'm sorry if I don't comment a lot of the time. If I don't it's usually because I'm still pretty shy and don't want to say the wrong things.
Well I'm glad that that person is an Ex friend. Firends should be there to support one another and not say thhings like that.
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