Birthday + Christianity

Jan 26, 2007 00:44

Today was my birthday! I had a fun time despite the fact that I had no friends to celebrate it with me. But I have my mom and my dad. And on your 18th birthday, what could be better than having only your mom and dad celebrate it with you? Nothing. Not even a million dollars. I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Yah right that's bs stupid girl yer too stingy for that". If you thought that, I hope you get abducted by aliens to where they brutally rape you with their probe thingy.

I will post more about my birthday adventure as well as share a few pictures with you.

Now for a semi rant about christianity. A very small rant.

Person on myspace:

Hey I dont know you but My name is Cody, i thought you seemed like a pretty cool it ok if i can you some questions?

Do you think you're a good person? You'll probably say yes. If youdo can I ask you some questions? Do you think that you have obeyed theTen Commandments? Well, let me ask you some more questions. Have youever lied? Remember all lies are the same, little and big. I know thateveryone has told a lie. So if you told a lie, what does that make you?A liar, right? Remember I'm not judging you because I've broken thesecommandments too. I am no better than you. Alright next question, haveyou ever stole anything? Most people would probably say no, but thinkabout it. Have you ever stole anything little, maybe something that youdidn't even think about. So if you have ever stole anything thattechnically makes you a thief, right? Alright, last question, have youever looked at someone in lust? I know for a fact that everyone hasdone this, even myself. The bible says, "but I say unto you, that everyone that looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adulterywith her already in his heart." Matthew 5:28. So in God's eye if youhave ever lusted, man or woman, you are an adulterer. If you have saidyes to all three of these questions, God sees you has a lying, thiefand adulterer.

So when judgement day comes for you, do you think that God willfind you innocent or guilty? If you're honest you will say guilty. Sowhat are you going to say to God when you die? Yes, you can say you'resorry, but look at it this way. If you're in a court room and you'reguilty and you say sorry to the judge. Do you think he will let youoff? Chances are if he's a just judge, he'll have to punish you for thethings that you have did. Same with God, the bible says that God isjust.

Alright, say you're leaving the court room and some guy that youdon't even know walks in and pays your fine that you can't pay. Sayit's 500,000 and you don't have the money, but this guy walks up to thejudge and gives him all of his hard earned money. How would you feeltowards this guy? Thankful, Greatful? Well thats what Jesus did for you2000 years ago. He came to this earth pure, without sin. He was beaten,humiliated and eventually died on the cross. Jesus paid the price foryour sins. I don't know your heart, the only people that does is youand God. The only way to have Jesus there for you on judgement day isto repent and believe in him.

Can you do me a favor tonight? Tonight when you go to bed, say aprayer in your own words asking Jesus to forgive you for your sins andadmit that you are a sinner. You may think that you have done to muchfor God to forgive you, but God will forgive all sins. Next in yourprayer tell Jesus that you believe in him and that you believe that hepayed the price for your sins on the cross. If you really mean this Ithink that you will have a new heart and will want to obey God's word.Read your bible and go to church everytime you can. Churches are herefor a reason. The bible is sometimes hard to understand and this is whyGod sends preachers to help people to understand it. If you think aboutit, going church is just a little something you can do to repay Jesus.It's the least you can do for the man that died for you. I pray thatthis has maybe touched your heart. God Bless, Your Friend Cody.

(Ooookay. Why are you telling me this again? Who are you? Ah, what the hell. I might as well brag to you about how nice I am. Heh.)


Hi Cody. I have no idea who you are. My name is Chelsea, and yes, I ama pretty cool girl. I am also the most kindest and most compassionategirl you'll ever ever meet. I have never hated anyone. I have lied, butI quit lying a long time ago. Though, I must say that I am not honestwhen it comes to not hurting others feelings. For example, you'rehaircut sucks and I say it looks great on you. It is a lie, but I havejust made you very happy. I did steal something when I was five yearsold. And it was a tiny pumpkin bead from my best friend Teresa, and Ilater returned it. I have also stolen, borrowed pens from teachers,which I either accidently misplaced - never to be found again - orreturned them to their rightful owners. As for lusting goes, yes Ihave. And so have you, and everyone else on this planet. Lusting is anatural feeling, after all we are animals, except with higherintellegence, but that does not stop us from having animalistic urges.

My name is Chelsea, I am one of the nicest human beings on theearth. I am an athiest. I don't believe in gods, or God. Though, oneday, when I do die, and if God is there, if he knows best, and acceptspeople for who they are, he will accept me into heaven. I may notbelieve in him, but I do not deserve to go into a terrible place suchas hell. I have never disrespected or done any harm to any livingcreature. I deserve a peaceful place when I die.

Again, I am athiest, and do not believe in God. Does that make me a terrible person?

Please respond to this, I want to talk to you.

I'm 100% sure this was a copy and pasted message.

I took the time to type all this and reply to you, so you BETTER REPLY.

(I went over board bragging about how nice I am. In a way it is true, but I can be extremely sinister at times.)

Person on myspace:

Chelsea I have done all those sins also. But do you think God will letliars, thiefs and adulterers in heaven? In the bible it says that Godis a just God. The only way we can be forgived is believe in Jesus andask for forgiveness. No God does not send people to hell, he gave usour own free will and it is our choice where we want to go. Beingatheist does not make you a terrible person at all, but even me, whenIm compared to God, Im bad bc I sin. I typed this in wordpad so I couldcorrect my errors then I pasted it here. I have poor grammer sorry lol.

(Yeah, you do have poor grammer. Ask god for forgiveness on that one there, not me.)


I have always wanted to be an angel. I, along with every other person would choose heaven over hell. If God is real, and I die and see thepearly gates, my feeling will change, and will immediately believe. Godshould accept me in there, I believe I am just as compassionate as he is. Think of all the people God killed in the bible. God is pretty brutal don't you think? (It's okay, everyone has their weaknesses in grammer and stuff.)

(Honestly, who would want to go to hell? It sure is nice of God to let us choose if we want to go to heaven or hell. :D)

Person on myspace:

Did you read why they got killed? God is ajust God. After we die it is too late. Jesus told us to have faith inhim, when we get to the point when we see heaven it will be too late.Where is the faith in that? Why should God let people that denied himall his life into heaven? We make our choice here and then comesjudgement day. Its in the bible. btw thanks for talking to me aboutthis

Whoooohoaaaaaa. Wait. I thought he just said that you get to CHOOSE rather you go to heaven or hell. What a confused person. And yeah. Faith is nothing but gambling, from the sound of it.

Has anyone read Tuesdays with Morrie?

Bedtime for me. G'nite.
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