Jun 16, 2008 16:04
time to lighten up this live journal! wanted to answer Izu's get to know me thing but realized my LJ list is short and everyoen knows I'm a 22 yr old mun student that grew up in a fishing village with umpteen brothers & sisters so here's a more indepth line of questioning.
1.My security thing as a child was...
a stuffed pink cat and a 3" piggy tailed doll named Penny.
2. my biggest fear
the dark (as a child), death & physical intimacy (as a teen)
3. The weirdest thing I ever consumed?
a non-alcoholic beverage concocted by 5 of my oldest friends, bascailly took every drink, spice, and random food bit from the kitchen cupboards and threw it in a glass..looked like tar, smelled worse.
4. my most embarrassing haircut
blunt ends, cleopatra bangs...I was only 10 WHY!!!
5. most embarrassing outfit?
in the 5th grade I had a mormon style puffy sleeved, curtain flower print dress... and it was picture day!!
6. bravest thing I've ever done?
saved kittens from a shed on fire with my siblings
7. dumbest thing I've ever done?
now there's a loaded question!
8. first crush (celebrity or otherwise)?
Tommy Oliver (Power Rangers, I totally wanted ot be Kimberly, and he was her boyfriend)
9. Odd thing I do when I'm alone is...
try on funny outfits and watch movies in my underwear.
10.Guilty pop-culture pleasure?
I love the girls next door!
11. My odd hobby?
I collect rocks from parts of the world
12.a unique talent?
I can move my ears kind of like Dopey
13. what I wanted to be when I grew up?
I scientist so I could give myself super powers or an adveturer so I could discover a new land and become it's princess.
14. Embarrassing event?
tripped over my dog....while on my bike. Dog was fine, I was injured, and I'll never live it down!
15. thing I'll admit I do like my parents?
over analyze like my mom, help too much like my Dad (and I have both their tempers)
16. my stripper name (first pet, first street)
Ginger Mahoney
17. Top 5 physical attributes I check out..in order?
1. eyes
2. lips
3. stomach
4. shoulders
5. hair
18. Quirky thing I'm attrated to
shy friendly geekiness (as opposed to shy creepy geekiness)
19. biggest personality turn off?
cockiness and persistent pessimism
20.favorite dessert?