(no subject)

Jun 28, 2006 22:35

Gawd!!! Kemana sih my beta-reader???? Tuh orang kok tak kasih kabar sih??? I REALLYREALLYREALLY want to post my fic for kaoxtotchi fic contest ASAP!!

desprate_angel...u're going out of town tomorrow? then i guess you won't be able to read my fic??? *sulking*

Haih...sudahlah! Batalkan saja ikut kontesnya! Hauhauhau! T______T *melirik ketakutan ke

lemorte didn't reply my message too! and 
kazou_kiriyama is out of town too! so i can't tell her that i want 2 ask for a permission! GAHHHH! Where the hell is everbody??!!

but...i'm happy that 
kashshaptu and 
desprate_angel replied my message! *hugs them* I APPRECIATE THAT! REALLY!

pokey_pillow.......................................................where are you????????????

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