Jun 15, 2005 15:24
F i r s t s
First best friend: Hannah Gilmore
First kiss on the lips: Mark Guidry (we were like 4)
First real kiss: Brandon Adams
First funeral: Great Grandmaw (Maw Picou)
First pets: light gray cat named spice
First big trip: Cancoon but I was to lil to remember so I would have to say California
First music you remember hearing in your house: Achey Breaky Heart! (woop woop!)
L a s t s
Last car ride: to work from nsu
Last good cry: when me and katy went visit the graveyard
Last movie seen: Master of Disguise (very poopy movie)
Last beverage drank: diet coke
Last food consumed: taco salad
Last crush: don’t want to say… sorry
Last phone call: lank
Last time showered: this morning
Last item bought: clothes from aeropostle
Last item i wish i bought: some lil belt thing from the mall
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. Who are your very best friends? Katy and Katie
02. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: umm… nope
F a s h i o n | S t u f f
01. Where is your favorite place to shop? Sorelle’s
02. Any tattoos or piercing?: my ears pierced twice and my belly button and soon to be tribal tatoo on lower back
S p e c i f i c s
01. Do you do drugs?: how funny of you to ask! haha
02. What kind of shampoo do you use?: biologe and ausie
03. What are you most scared of?: cops
04. What are you listening to right now? Kelly Clarkson
05. Where do you want to get married?: outside of a church
07. What would you change about yourself?: sometimes I think I want a bigger butt…
F a v o r i t e s
01. Color: pink and green, recently im liking blue (especially on guys)
02. Food: pickles even though they stink
03. Subjects in school: psychology 101 (it’s the only class im takin!)
04. Animals: lil bitty pink piggys
06. Perfume: curious- britney spears
07. Cologne: georgio armani
08. Alcohol: SEX ON THE BEACH
H a v e | Y o u | E v e r
01. Taken a bath with someone?: yes… but im not saying with who!
02. Smoked? yea
03. Made yourself throw up?: haha yea one time after I ate yucky tuna fish
04. Skinny dipped?: omg that’s so fun!
05: Been in love?: yea but don’t like to talk about it
06. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: hell yea.. im a pro
07. Pictured a crush naked?: …!!
08. Actually seen a crush naked? Yea like 758736589 times
09. Cried when someone died?: yes
10. Lied?: yes
11. Fallen for your best friend?: yes… sadly
13. Been rejected?: yes
14. Rejected someone?: definitely
15. Used someone?: no… im the one that gets used
16. Done something you regret?: a few things
17. Crashed a car?: no but they always crash into me
Current Cloths: my new shit from yesterday
smell: sweet pea lotion
Desktop picture: ME!!!!!!!!!!
L a s t| P e r s o n
Hugged: katy
You IMed: jenna lou
A r e | Y o u
Open minded: yes
Interesting: yes
Moody: yes
Responsible: all of the time… ha
Angry at the world: no
Disappointed: yes
Talkative: yes but ya gotta love me
W h i c h | I s | B e t t er
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Flowers or Candy: flowers
Long or Short: loooooong
R a n d o m
In the morning I am: still tired
All I need is: you!
Who makes you laugh the most: the ones I love!
Sorry this is all boring stuff... it will get better soon... i'll give you that other update with all of those pics from this weekend!