Jul 20, 2004 13:00
I'm listening to the new Cure cd. It's really good. I want to sleep with Robert Smith. Not nescisarily fuck him, just sleep in a bed with him. I don't know. I'm not bisexual in a sense that i want any sexual contact with a man, i just want to sort of creat an illusion of sexual contact between another male and myself. I'm not a fan of sodomy for some reason, but other people can go for it. I don't care. I guess in that sense i am bisexual, but in the fact that i've never been sexual with another male and don't really think of it, then i'm not. So i'm not bisexual. I'm bi-curious. How stupid does that sound?
Go, if you want to
I'd never try to stop you...
Everyone loves this song, and so do I.
There's this guy who dresses like a pixie everyday of his life sense he was twenty and he's fifty now. His name's Randi Conston. That's awesome. He was on Conan Obrien. Ah.. yes, that's awesome.
I started sketching some things out last night in my journal and then pen and inked some stuff in there. Then i decided to paint one of my drawings. It's actualy turned out really nicely, considering i'm not done with it. I'm wattering down my acrylic until they're almost watercolor and i let them blend together with black and white and other colors for a shadeing effect. But for once i'm not working monochrome. Many colors are far more interesting when locked together in the right way. I'm lucky that my dad stocks up on canvas like a fiend. There has to be about 20 unused 2' by 2 1/2' pieces down there.
Considering it looks kind of strange, if i decide to sell it, the art haven will take it. Anything odd and under $100 will sell there. And that's a quick $70.00 for me sense they take 30%. I have no idea what i'd do with $70 though. I'd probably just go to walden books and buy that big illustrated Inferno i've wanted forever.
I'm contemplateing ordering some H.R. Giger books off the internet sense i can never find them in stores. But, i'm broke so it'll have to wait.