Black Metal High School (hahah, this pun ruined a song for you)

Aug 21, 2004 13:54

Last night we drove around with Jon a bit. we= casey and I. Smoking cigars and talking about random shit. Movies and stuff. Then we went to Casey's and played metal. That was fun. I haven't done that in quite a while.

I've been listening to a lot of blind gaurdian lately, and for some reason... something Casey said about collecting nightcrawlers and selling them... i think we may have to start doing that. we really need a bass and maybe a few more cords.. or something. we need a lot of work period. i'm not concerned about how good our equiptment is, i'm just concerned that we HAVE equiptment. Things'll work out. I'll make them work out. As he said better to play shit music on shit instruments, than to be like some of the bands we see and play shit music on expensive equiptment. We're not a shitty as i say we are.. but we definately need some fine tuning. I'm pretty happy with the stuff we have done.

This school year is going to be so stupid. And not to mention all the bullshit politicical disscussion we'll have to sit through. If i hear one more anti bush or anti kerry speech from some mindless thirteen year old i am going to put a bullet in my head.
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