Aug 04, 2004 11:52
We have absolutely no food in this house. i've been living off of oreos for days, and i have to eat them sparingly because there are only a few left. i was eating waffles for every meal (which is now two to one a day) but we ran out of syrup. Nooooooo!
I came back from Jon's last night with this movie Wendigo. I haven't watched it yet. For some reason i can't really get excited about movies anymore because... i don't know. I think i'm too cynical or something. I saw the Last Samuri last night or at least part of it. It was very historicly unaccurate and had some major flaws but i couldn't help but like it. I liked the whole Tom Cruise fighting off like eight samuri part. I don't know why.
I'm a macho man. Yes i am. I like war movies and books and movies and porno. I sodomize my wife six times a day. alpha male alpha malealphamale aapldfaj;dflk
Sodomy is strange. But hey, if people are into that... then good for them. Whatever floats your boat.
Tonight is group therapy. Hot damn. I can sit and listen to assholes talk about how "my dad ain't never gonna throw me out. he said i coul live with him when i'm ol'er" move out... move out...
I found this thing i wrote in a notebook last night and under it was a comic i drew of a woman with her ovarys hanging out saying "hey cunt, lets boogie!" and a girl next to it saying "you're a creep!" and the next panel was "WATCH TV LAND DAMMIT"
I don't remember drawing that.