Mar 29, 2005 22:30
...girls rule and boys drool. TOO TRUE! ha har! *sigh* feathers be flying in this chicken coop, and it aint me losin' tail feathers!! I swear I'm not a hick.. *cough* GRANT *cough*. hrmm. yes.
...saw without a paddle. hot men in white boxors- YES! now thats a sight you don't see every day! I always knew what happened in the cave stayed in the cave. XDXD Okay, so I swore I wasn't a hick- but i'm not a lecherous old woman either!! look at these titties! do they look old to you!?? WAIT. don't answer that! ;)
...girls night tomorrow. Possibly to the city for a meal/some nightlife? gimme a call if you wanna go- all are welcome- GIRLS ONLY!!! sorry, only post-op transgenders allowed, saftey reasons now.
...right. to bed. work at 6am is a joy. specially when you just wanna kick someone in the balls. (If I could find them...) BURN!
Amanda Stacee and I are going to go live in a tree for 287 days. see you lot when I get back. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!! Oh- sorry- that was A LOT too late.