
Dec 18, 2006 22:33

Back at work after the Christmas party, and the most embarrassing picture of me seems to be me making the fashion faux pas of posing next to a guy wearing an almost identical black pin-stripe shirt. From what I remember of my dancefloor antics it could have been worse. Fortunately, my two work colleagues who came in gorilla suits (animal costume was allowed as part of the theme) attracted most of the media attention; quite some female attention too, as a lot of the women seemed to want to tweak their plastic gorilla nipples. What is it about gibbering hairy guys who beat their chests and scream at each other? Meanwhile, most of my office colleagues spent today in drowsy recumbence tittering over the party photographs. Only my half-French team mate triumphantly mustered the energy to wrap a whole pile of Dr Who books for the 6-year-old son he's raising as a rabid sci-fi fan.

Slightly sensational but well-written article in the more-interesting-than-you-would-suspect Observer Food Monthly yesterday about how nanotechnology is transforming our food. Rather than the dreary single meal pill everyone used to predict, we'll have chewing gum made from chocolate, white wine made from red, lactose-free cow's milk, and even turkey made from plant proteins. Now if they can just get cauliflower to taste like bacon...
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