(no subject)

Sep 06, 2004 13:53

It makes me think that if I really wanted to, I could just take it all up and start somewhere else. And it’s always been a romantic memory in my mind, that kind of fantasy rotating through in your mind repeatedly like a kid that just won’t get off the carousel. The idea that people can do this still boggles my mind. That they can say to everyone they’ve been around that despite them their memories, there is something in their life so unfulfilled that a new life is completely necessary. And it must be a euphoric feeling to do something so self fulfilling. But as time goes on and on it seems even more possible for me to just pack everything that’s important in my life into my bags, including all the working people, and only the most important of trunk filling things, a pull a little button to the left of the hood release that makes everything outside of the car white itself out, refreshing a new surrounding.

The idea that everything before it in your life only has any significance of you can remember it, and the best of things you hold onto as long as possible, if not tangibly then just remembering them enough to never forget.
I have my own memories like that, the kind of memories that get flashbacks in movies, for any reason. After all it seems living on is only relevant to indulge yourself with everything conceivable before you die and everything in the world becomes chaotic and inconceivable. But my ideas of life and death are a bit different.
I remember not too long ago, Michael asked me if I could do anything in the world what would it be? I answered back, “Now it sounds really stupid and stereotypical and dry, but I would have to say to love the people around me.”
Later he said it was a hippie answer, but I corrected him, it’s specific to the people around me, and has no implication that you need to love everyone, because really, you can’t do that.

I heard somewhere, I don’t know if it was from Walking Life, cause I was shrooming then and I thought the whole movie was someone talking to me, of if I came up with this idea myself, but I can say it in my own words and transformed through my own ideas on life.
When studying biology you learn about all the working parts in context to it relation on larger things and it’s way it is working in smaller part. Such as a cell, in a human, and why it does what it does where it does it. All human cells have the same genetic information wrapped in the nucleus, aside from the probiotic parts that make 60% of your size (bacteria) but of those with you matter each cell uses only very small parts, genetic expression. Each cell has only parts expressed, and does one thing that we as a human never think about. (oh, I got to concentrate one producing insulin cause my blood sugar is getting low) but as a sentient being, where do I exist? In the brain, which is made of parts, which do various different things, like hold memories, that exist in an incomprehensible way to hold a whole memory like we think. If a group of cells holds a small memory, it in its self is just that memory but can be influenced by the neurons around it, holding those memories. We are the sum of all the memories, do if doing that can’t we just sum up everyone as a larger way of life? Take an area, and idealize all those memories individually specific and drawn on and moving and existing much like the human body does. Through different means but almost entirely the same.
Well if everyone and I are all inter-working parts of the universe, and as far as we know the universe is the most you can sum up everything, then the universe is the highest study of existence. It is it’s collected sum of it’s parts. Well if I was that much stuff I would get confused. Like is taking the universe and looking at it through a hole in a piece of paper. So everything will make sense. Well I have pretty good ideas of what it felt like seeing everything at once, before I stopped looking through the paper and living this life. I’m sure after dying everything will go back, and after I die I will be feeling it again, and possibly start seeing existence again. But as I said before nothing is linear, nothing will be remembered in this because it will all be dumbed down. Just as I am not just one memory I have, the universe is not my life in it.
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