(no subject)

Feb 13, 2003 19:40

Quote of the day: "Oprah makes me sad for women."
It's not safe to laugh that hard when you're driving a car.

English was upsetting and annoying to me today. I figured people were more reasonable that what they displayed in class. Yes, that woman may not have been expressing herself in the way she wanted and she was contradicting herself. But is it really fair to say that she's "stupid" and "dumb" CONSTANTLY? She's trying to change something that she honestly believes to be degrading. Yeah, we've read the book and from our perspective it's not discriminating. But that woman isn't stupid. We're from Merrimack, where there's, like, a .0001% minority. No one in the classroom happened to be black or any other minority race for that mattered. We have no idea what it feels like to have discriminating names. So what if the girl didn't want to read Huck Finn because that use of that word makes her uncomfortable? And so what that her mother agrees with her? They're trying to fix something they don't like and trying to make a stand and no matter how other people feel about the same view, they aren't stupid and they aren't dumb. The school situation could be entirely different than ours, where she feels discriminated against already on an every-day basis. Even if that's not true, we don't know and we shouldn't be making judgements like that. I figured people would just be more respectful of that and I was upset to find out I was wrong.

Anyway. I just hope we don't have to watch that video again, because I don't want to think about it anymore. And now I have to worry about that stupid paper on the same freaking topic.

I have to work on Monday, which pisses me off to no end. I hate how P8 manages to know when all of my days off from school are, so they can schedule me. Either way, I'm not going to come in so it doesn't matter. I have an "appointment" I was previously "unaware of."

I have to bring in an example of a song for Creative Writ. since we're starting our song lyric unit. We're going to label it with chorus and all that jazz, and I think I'm using Killer Queen.

I love Chemistry. It's such a great class and Muller makes it so much fun. I'm almost sad this year is almost over because of Chemistry. If he taught AP chem. I would definitely take it, but I think it's Sleeper so Physics, because I guess it's good to have the background. Muller asked me if I wanted to be part of an Intramural volleyball team they're making from the Honors Chem. classes.


Lacrosse is coming up soon.... eep. I've been thinking about it since, like, November but I haven't put myself into action. I need to start exercising!

Instead of exercising, I just wrote studying. And that makes me sick.

Time to laze about for 3 hours and watch NBC tv. :P
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