Now is it Luciano....or Luiciano?

Dec 08, 2005 13:34

It seems that everyday is an adventure in Illinois. Especially when you are cooped up in a house while it is snowing. It seems that with a simple piece of metal with wires (a computer, smart one), you can find out so much shit that is happening in your hometown, that you would never want to return home. It seems that I am going to be moving to the East Bay. That is, if I choose to live with my father. Since I do not have the resources to maintain a life on my own across the states, I guess I must live in the East Bay. Not East Bay as in the nice parts, I'm talking about like Oakland or San Leandro. Kym's not happy here...

Moving on, once you stay in another state for a while, you begin to crave the normal things that you take for granted. You know, like Togos, and Wells Fargo. And the mall, with your 9324934 friends that work there. I would give anything to just be able to hop on a bus, and bug my friend at EB Games, or all of the people that work at Hot Topic. I really miss those little things. Here I am, just chilling (literally), in a big house in Suburbia, waiting until it stops snowing so I can go be a tourist in Chicago. Plus, I miss not freezing my ass off every time that I go out for a cigarete. Have I mentioned that I have pretty much quit smoking while I am staying here? I only have 1/2 - 1 cigarette a day, and I don't even enjoy it anymore. I'm too concerned with the fact that I can barely feel my hands or my toes.

Bitch, Moan, Whine, my three favotrite things in the entire world. It helps me cope with the little things that I choose to fret about on a daily basis.

Alrighty, off to go find food. Or make some pasta, cause it is the staple of life. Tata.
-a fretting little gloomy girl
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